About the Yoga Nest
A privately owned yoga studio located in Fullerton, CA

Our Story
When my husband, Rodney, built his dream shop in our backyard he decided that the top portion of the building would become my new yoga studio. Rodney has always called his space The Nest - a place where like-minded people get together and are welcome with open arms. As the yoga space is nestled on top of his space it was kismet to name it The Yoga Nest.
By Taking Care of Yourself, You're Taking Care Of Someone Else
Yoga /Reiki / Community
The Yoga Nest is a privately owned yoga studio located in Fullerton, CA.
Classes tend to be small and intimate which means you get more personal attention during your practice. The events are busier and bursting with loads of energy from all the students that join in. So come join us!!
Email me if you're interested in joining us and I'll send you directions.

Hi, I am Kathi,
Founder of the yoga nest.
I teach private group classes here twice a week.
I also hold sound baths, reiki circles, and many other workshops throughout the month.

About Me.
I love to lead students on a journey to find the place within themselves that is calm, peaceful and grounded through the practice of yoga. I inspire students to connect with their center so they can step back into their world feeling more connected to their own pulse and that quiet inner voice which helps them make positive decisions in their life. I love the practice of yoga because it has ushered me through all the ups and downs in life and the art of teaching yoga has helped me find my voice and my passion.
I was trained at YogaWorks with some amazing teachers and I have been teaching for over 10 years. Some of the teachers I continue to train with and am inspired by are Maty Ezraty, Joan Hyman, Annie Carpenter, Kathryn Budig, Ana Forrest, Ducky Punch, Samantha Rebert and so many others. I’m a wife, mother, student, avid gardener and a dog lover!!
I like to take my students on a journey in class and help them find their center. That place inside them that is calm, quiet and always there – you just have to know where to look. I can help you find it! I know personally that time on my mat helps bring clarity to the challenges I face off my mat.
Come to my class and stay a while. You’ll laugh, you’ll smile and you’ll sweat!
I’d love to talk to you and answer any questions you may have about yoga and my services. Don’t hesitate to contact me through any of the following methods.