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Welcome to The Yoga Nest

The Yoga Nest is a privately owned yoga studio located in Fullerton, CA filled with love.



I teach private group classes at the Yoga Nest twice a week. You can join my classes online and in person. I also offer Corporate Yoga.



Join me for a transformational session of Reiki. Reiki is non invasive energy work where I use my hands to balance the energy in your body



I lead workshops, trainings, retreats and classes in a way that grows the community and helps students realize their highest potential not just on the mat, but off the mat.


Hi! I am Kathi.

I love to lead students on a journey to find the place within themselves that is calm, peaceful and grounded through the practice of yoga. I inspire students to connect with their center so they can step back into their world feeling more connected to their own pulse and that quiet inner voice which helps them make positive decisions in their life. I love the practice of yoga because it has ushered me through all the ups and downs in life and the art of teaching yoga has helped me find my voice and passion.


I’m a wife, mother, student, flailing gardener and a dog lover!!   

My intention

I want to inspire students to live life to the fullest and learn not just from the highs, but also from the lows. As Rumi says, "The wound is the place where the light enters you." Our yoga mats are a wonderful and safe place to meet ourselves wherever we are. We accept the good, the bad, the ugly and we go from there.


Mondays 9-10:30am

Fridays 4:30-6pm

In Person and

on Zoom


Tuesdays/Thurs 9 am, 11am

Wednesdays 4pm, 6pm 

In Person

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I have a heart full of gratitude for all my teachers and students who inspire and help light the path ahead. 

Kathi Aguiar

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